Safe Driving

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Safe Driving begins with Each of Us!

Art Glasgow, Peck-Glasgow Insurance

Summer is here! With it comes vacations and outside activities. Alabamians love summer and love the open road. Travel season has begun! Visiting neighbors, outside sports, and vacations tend to dominate our summer schedule. Most of all summer time increases traffic on Alabama roads, and accidents results.

Safe driving is a responsibility that starts with each of us. Fatalities are caused by high risk behavior such as DUI, excessive speed, distracted driving and plain ole… not paying attention. In fact over 33,000 people were killed in automobile accidents last year. Automobile accidents are a leading cause of death for young people.


Most traffic fatalities are preventable. We cannot control the thoughts and actions of others, but we can take steps to help reduce the liklihood of causing an accident! Here are a few tips that might help save a life.


1. Wear your seat belt, and require your passengers to do the same.

2. Focus on the act of driving. Be aware of those around you.

3. Obey all traffic laws.

4. Avoid radio surfing, and cell phone calls.

5. Put kids in the back seat and use child safety seats are needed.



Using good judgement is up to you. Please pass these tips and lessons on to young drivers that are in your household. Keeping everyone safe is our main concern. AARP and AAA offer Defensive Driving classes in most areas. This can be an added benefit, especially as we age and our reflex and judgement speeds change.


An added benefit to safe driving is improvement in your driving experience. This can help you to reduce your auto insurance premiums. Saving dollars is important these days!


Slow down and keep it safe out there!

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