Does my business need Workers Compensation Insurance

Category: Blog

As an employer you have the obligation to provide your employees with a safe working environment, free of conditions that could lead to a accident and injury.  Even by using best practices, accidents happen.  As an employer, you have a moral and legal obligation to provide workers compensation coverage for your employees.

Workers compensation coverage is available and provides payments to injured workers, without regard to who was at fault in the accident, for time lost from work and for medical and rehab services. It also provides death benefits to surviving spouses and dependents.

Almost every state requires business to provide worker compensation coverage for injury to employees.  To protect employers from lawsuits resulting from workplace accidents and to provide medical care and compensation for lost income to employees hurt in workplace accidents. Workers compensation insurance covers workers injured on the job, whether they’re hurt on the workplace premises or elsewhere, or in auto accidents while on business. It also covers work-related illnesses.

Each state has different laws governing the amount and duration of lost income benefits, the provision of medical and rehabilitation services and how the system is administered. For example, in most states there are regulations that cover whether the worker or employer can choose the doctor who treats the injuries and how disputes about benefits are resolved.  

Workers compensation insurance must be bought as a separate policy. Although in-home business and business owner policies (BOPs) are sold as package policies, they don’t include coverage for workers’ injuries.  To learn more about workers compensation coverage, please contact a Peck-Glasgow Insurance Agent.

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