Be prepared for Contents Claims

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Be Prepared for Contents Claims

Art Glasgow, Peck-Glasgow Insurance

Nobody plans to have a claim, but when it happens it is too late to be prepared.  Having the proper insurance policy coverage and taking a fee extra steps can help make the process much smoother.

First, make sure that you have proper coverage for your contents.  Review the policy coverages and exclusions, and dicuss with your agent the limitations that might exist.  Limitations such as theft limits
for silverware, guns, jewlery can make be a problem for you in the event of a claim.  A proper discussion with a professional insurance agent that is caring, concerned and takes the time to get to know your needs is a valuable asset.

Secondly, homeowners and renters should always take photos of every room in their house, including the basement.  Capture clear images of the furniture, appliances and electronics.  Photos of the hot water
heater as well as the heating and cooling systems are advised.  This is a simple and easy step in being prepared for submitting a claim.  It has been my experience, that in the event of a total loss, clients cannot remember what contents were in there home. 
Photographic images helps to spur the memory, as well as provide proof that certain items did exist to the insurance company claims representatives.

Also, if homeowners have items of extaordinary value, endorsing the items on the homeowner policy is a wise idea.  Agreed value settlement options make the claim settlement procedure much easier as well. 
Get appraisals of these items and take photos.  Store all photo’s offsite for safety. is a web-based photo sharing site where photo’s can be stored for safekeeping, or a bank safety deposit box will do.

These simple steps are easy and can help you to provide adequate proof while assisting the claims adjuster if a contents claims happens to you!

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