Life Insurance: Pure & Simple

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Life Insurance:  Pure & Simple

by Art Glasgow, Peck-Glasgow Insurance

July 20, 2010


Life Insurance is not a complicated product.  Yes, you can do many things with life insurance and it can serve many purposes.  However, we often times loose sight of what it is actually for.  Life Insurance
is something we carry for those we love and leave behind in the event of a premature death.  It is not that hard, it is just something we do to provide for our loved ones.

Life insurance pays a death benefit to the beneficiary you name in the policy.  It can be a spouse, family members, a business partner, etc…..  It is also inexpensive.  Have you ever considered what
you can buy for $1 these days?  A national fast food restaurant offers a value menu featuring items that cost $1.  What if you could purchase peace of mind for the same price.  For less than a $1 per day a policy with high benefits can be purchased.  It is
really inexpensive!

The purchase of a life insurance policy might be one of the best decisions that you ever make.  In the event of a death, life insurance can help provide financial security to your family members and allow
them to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.  Life insurance can ensure your children receive the education they deserve and provide financial stability for your spouse.  It is easy to achieve, just a call to your insurance agent!

There are many different types of life insurance.  Term is the cheapest.  Many people buy the majority of their coverage in the form of term insurance.  As the name implies, term insurance is good for
the term stated on the policy.  Permanent life insurance may take the form of other products, but most are called either whole life or universal life.  Permanent insurance policies most often accumulate cash values over time.  While some say that saving in
an insurance policy is expensive, it does force savings on the payer and often performs very well, especially in times of economic downturn. 

This is an easy policy to obtain.  Do your family a favor and contact your insurance agent today. 

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