Avoiding post-disaster scams with Alabama home insurance

Category: Blog

The devastating storms in Alabama in April 2011 were tragic and have put the spotlight on issues such as disaster-proofing homes and insurance fraud. Unfortunately, scammers and schemers tend to come out of the woodwork after natural disasters, just when people are most vulnerable. Dodgy repair people may try to rip you off by taking advantage of your Alabama home insurance. Insurance fraud affects everyone. To cover the losses sustained by insurance fraud, insurance companies need to increase premiums.

Beware of unscrupulous contractors. Most contractors are honest, but to be protected from those who are not, here’s some advice:

          Don’t automatically sign with the first building company that you deal with. There’s a temptation to hire a builder as soon as possible, because you want to get your house repaired quickly – but you might be in a traumatized state and not thinking clearly

          Be wary of builders who do slapdash jobs with cheap materials, but charge top dollar. These builders are very good at disappearing into thin air once the job is done.

          Builders may also inflate prices of materials and labor. While it’s not uncommon for the price construction materials to rise after disasters, due to increased demand, some builders will charge excessive prices for their services.

To avoid these problems, make sure you hire legitimate builders by contacting your Alabama home insurance agent or a Better Business Bureau (there are several in Alabama). Get multiple estimates, and don’t be fooled into thinking a large deposit needs to be paid before repair work can begin. With Peck-Glasgow Insurance, you can get the coverage you need for your home. Contact us today for more information!




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